Screening of a 3-phenoxybenzoic acid degrading strain and its co-degradation with Bacillus licheniformis G-04 to degrade beta-cypermethrin

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    [Objective] The aim of this study was to isolate an efficient 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-PBA) degrading strain from the cabbage rhizosphere contaminated by pyrethroid pesticides. Furthermore, the co-degradation of beta-cypermethrin and soil bioremediation by co-culture of Bacillus licheniformis G-04 and 3-PBA-degrading strain were investigated. [Methods] 3-PBA-degrading strain was screened using enrichment domestication, isolation and purification methods, then identified by morphological, physio-biochemical tests and 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The growth and degradation kinetics of 3-PBA-degrading strain and B. licheniformis G-04 were analysised by Origin 8.0. The synergistic degradation ability and soils bioremediation of these two strains were evaluated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). [Results] A novel 3-PBA-degrading strain HA516 was screened and identified as Acinetobacter pittii, the degradation rate of 3-PBA (100 mg/L) was 87.73% after 48 h of incubation. The growth and degradation kinetics of these two strains were established, which have the better fitting of predicted and the experimental value. When the inoculation proportion of the biomass of these two strains was 6.7:3.3, B. licheniformis G-04 was inoculated first, and A. pittii HA516 was inoculated after 24 h of cultivation, 78.37% Beta-CP (50 mg/L) was degraded at 48 h, which was 37.90% higher than only using strain B. licheniformis G-04, and half-life was shortened from 58.39 h to 24.51 h. Soil remediation test showed that the degradation rate of Beta-CP (30 mg/L) reached 79.27% on the seventh day, which was 33.26% higher than only using strain B. licheniformis G-04. [Conclusion] A. pittii HA516, a highly efficient 3-PBA-degrading strain, can be used as a potential strain resource for bioremediation of environment polluted with 3-PBA or pyrethroid pesticides. Beta-CP could be efficiently co-degraded by B. licheniformis G-04 and A. pittii HA516.

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Qiong Hu, Jie Tang, Bo Liu, Tingting Chen, Qing Sun, Qing Zhang. Screening of a 3-phenoxybenzoic acid degrading strain and its co-degradation with Bacillus licheniformis G-04 to degrade beta-cypermethrin. [J]. Acta Microbiologica Sinica, 2019, 59(1): 157-168

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  • Received:March 09,2018
  • Revised:April 18,2018
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  • Online: December 29,2018
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